

Modeshift STARS Healthcare Scheme Launch

Modeshift STARS Healthcare Scheme Launch Modeshift STARS Healthcare has been developed in partnership with NHS England and in consultation with primary and secondary healthcare settings. Over the last 18-months, Modeshift have been working…
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Green Impact for Health links to Modeshift

Green Impact for Health Greener Practice and Green impact for health toolkit, reaching six hundred plus GP practices across the UK, now includes links to Modeshift. The Royal College of General Practitioners’ Green Impact for Health (GIFH)…
Man stands with four bikes in a row.

Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust Accreditation success

Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust were successful in attaining an Approved accreditation through Modeshift STARS in July 2023. We have been following their progress over the last year and are really inspired by their initiatives and creativity. Here,…
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Sheffield Primary Care Network become first Primary Care Network to accredit all sites at an ‘approved’ level

Sheffield Primary Care Network become the first Primary Care Network to accredit all sites at an ‘approved’ level within Modeshift STARS Sheffield Foundry Primary Care Network (PCN) have recently developed their first Travel Policy. This…