Man stands with four bikes in a row.

Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust Accreditation success

STARS Healthcare Logo

Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust were successful in attaining an Approved accreditation through Modeshift STARS in July 2023. We have been following their progress over the last year and are really inspired by their initiatives and creativity.

Here, Gemma Heath, Sustainability Manager, Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust tells us more:

Modeshift has provided us the opportunity to better focus our efforts on travel and transport at our hospital, and increase engagement with our stakeholders – a critical part of the decarbonisation journey. We have really valued the guidance of the accreditation process and as we strive for the silver award we are now looking at which of our initiatives are resulting in the most change and provide the best support for sustainable travel, helping us to streamline our approach and better capture progress.’

What are the main initiatives you have delivered in attaining your Modeshift Accreditation and what is the motivation behind delivering them?

  • Installation of 14 EV charging points for staff and visitor use.
  • Installed cycle stands and hoops around site.
  • Joined and promoted Liftshare car share scheme to staff.
  • Staff travel survey and action taken on results/comments.
  • Installed secure cycle compounds.
  • Promoted sustainable travel options to staff.
  • Held Dr Bike Service days for staff to receive a free bike service.
  • Cycle to Work Scheme for staff.
  • Bought 5 E-Bikes that staff can loan free of charge for up to 2 weeks to trail an e-bike.

All to encourage sustainable travel options for staff and to support them in this choice.

Green sign in a car park, cars in background. Text reads: Liftshare

Why is the action you are delivering within the trust required and what are the trust overall aims and objectives?

The benefits of sustainable travel are health and wellbeing of staff, health of the planet, and reduction in on-site parking. We need to reduce our carbon footprint in line with our Approved Plan and Net Zero target of 2024, of which staff travel falls under scopes one and two, so it is vital that we improve our facilities and support our staff in choosing sustainable travel.

Man wheels bike into secure parking area. Green gates surround bike parking area.

How did you develop the initial support for the trust’s travel plan and support for the initiatives you have delivered?

Support was developed through our Approved Plan Travel and transport area of focus. Our staff travel survey provided us with data and helpful information in areas to improve to fully support staff in sustainable travel.

Electric vehicle charges in car park.

Who was involved in developing the travel plan and delivering activities to promote sustainability across the trust?

Gemma Heath, Sustainability Manager delivered the initiatives. Staff feedback from across the Trust travel survey. Supporting estates staff for implementation of facilities.

When were the main activities delivered which enabled you to attain a travel plan accreditation through Modeshift STARS?

E-bike loan scheme introduction.

Improvement in cycle storage facilities.

Incentives and staff engagement events.

What improvements/results have you seen to date due to the range of activities which have taken place and the increased level of promotion across the trust?

We are seeing an increase in staff choosing to cycle for their commute to work. We are seeing an increase in the number of staff requesting access to secure bike hubs/storage areas. An increase in the requests via the cycle to work scheme. Generally, an understanding across the Trust that we are improving facilities and care about supporting our staff to change behaviour, rather than just providing generic options without support.

Why does the trust believe it is important to promote active and sustainable travel?

As an anchor institution employing approx. 4,900 staff, we recognise that we have a role to play in providing a sustainable organisation that is fit for the future. We also recognise that climate change and air quality have an impact on the health of our community and in turn this puts more demand on hospital services. We would like to see more emphasis on wellbeing and health as opposed to diagnosis and cure, so improving our travel plans will help us towards this goal.

What would you say to anyone thinking about starting their Modeshift STARS journey?

Just do it! Modeshift has provided us the opportunity to really focus our efforts on travel and transport at our hospital and enabled us to better focus our engagement with staff to improve our offering/incentives.

What’s next, how do you plan on getting there, and by when?

We would like to increase our Liftshare users to support those staff who cannot cycle or walk to work to at least share their carbon footprint and travel costs. We plan to hold promotional days in staff areas and introduce an incentive scheme e.g. free drink for every 6 journeys shared.

We are also looking to add another secure cycle hub, and an outside provision for e-bike charging.

A designated shower/changing room has been identified and subject to cost this would be good to progress within the next 12 months.

We plan to create a Public Transport Group where we can interact with public transport users and get their feedback/suggestions to better place us when in talks with local transport providers. Giving our staff a voice through our conversations/meetings.

Follow Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust on social media for more:

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  2. Twitter and LinkedIn
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